Saturday, June 26, 2010

Health Care

Note: More than half of immigration into the United States is illegal, thus more than half of the impact of immigration on our health care system is due to illegal immigation.

  • There are over 300,000 estimated anchor babies born to illegal alien mothers each year in the U.S.- babies who automatically attain citizenship illegal alien sources in an average year before 1965.

  • There are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year.

  • Arizona Health Department spends as much as 30 percent of its annual $9 million budget to illegal aliens.

  • In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million ( an average of $2,842 per delivery).

  • "Illegal alien mothers accounted for 36 percent of all Medi-Cal funded births in California that year."

Illegal Immigration Healthcare Costs Affect You!

  • More than half of Arizona's 4 billion dollar vbudget deficit was the result of paying for three areas of services to illegal immigrants: education, healthcare, and incarceration.

What does illegal immigration have to do with your costs and your access to medical care when you need it?

  • Estimates are tat 20-40% of uncompensated ("free") medical services are provided to people in the U.S. illegally.

  • Hospitals and clinics don't ask about citizenship... a medical version of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

What are consequences to taxpaying citizenships?

  • Increased cost and reduced access to trauma care.

  • Auto accidents involving overloaded vans of illegal aliens happen regularly in southern Arizona. The injured are flown by air ambulance and treated with state of the art care... all taxpayers expense.

  • Proof of citizenship is not asked before providing free medical services such as; immunizations, Well baby checks, food stamps, WIC services, birth control, and even elective abortions. THESE COSTS ARE PAID BY TAXPAYERS.

  • When funds are depleted, low income American citizens have fewer services and longer waits as a result.

The bottom line is that working, taxpaying legal citizens are bearing the brunt of failure of our government officials to document citizenchip before providing medical services.

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